The Programmers' Booklist

Maintained by Sunir Shah

NOTE: This document is released into the public domain.

This document is the hypertext version of The Programmers' Booklist. A MSDOS-text version is also available.

This file was last updated on November 22, 1996. It has 529 entries to date.

Table of Contents

  1. Important Information
    1. Introduction
    2. Formatting
    3. Submissions

  2. The Books
    1. Algorithms
    2. Artificial Intelligence
    3. Assembly Language
    4. C
    5. C++
    6. CDs
    7. Communications
    8. Compilers/Language Implementations
    9. Deutsch
    10. Digital Sources
    11. EMags/Newsletters
    12. Français
    13. FTP Sites
    14. Game Development/Programming
    15. General Programming
    16. Graphics Related
    17. Magazines
    18. Marketing, Publishing and Legalities
    19. Miscellaneous
    20. Multimedia
    21. Networks
    22. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
    23. OS/BIOS/Low Level
    24. Other Languages
    25. Pascal
    26. Parallel Programming
    27. Publishers
    28. Software Engineering and Design
    29. Sound Related
    30. Visual Basic
    31. World Wide Web Pages

  3. Wrap Up
    1. Special Notes of Credit and Thanks
    2. Contact Information
    3. Legal Mumbo Jumbo

Important Information


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Every programmer needs a reference book of some sort. If it's just your manuals or a vast library of books on all aspects of programming, you find yourself going to it time and time again.

The problem is the incredible lack of support for computer-related books, especially programming-related books. Book stores rarely touch them, and if you're lucky enough to find a store that has one or two books, they will more than likely not have the book you are looking for. There are computer-only book stores around, but they usually cater towards the average user.

Thank God you can order books!

So that's why I made this list. With it, you should have a pretty hefty library (providing you can afford it) soon enough.


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

I've split up the books into various categories (arranged alphabetically). The books are arranged alphabetically by author's last name, then title. The entries are listed in four lines: title, author, publisher and international standard book number (ISBN). If the information is unavailable, I've put '???' If you know what's supposed to go there, please contact me!

Where formatting must be altered, either it will be readily apparent (I hope) or I will mention it after the header.

Throughout the document will be hyperlinks to various sites, files, etc. I will try to provide links to publishers, web sites, FTP sites, files and anything else I can.


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

You can submit entries to Sunir Shah at any of the following locations:

Fidonet: Sunir Shah@1:241/11

Minimum entries are title, author and ISBN, although the publisher would be nice too. You'll notice entries missing the ISBN in here already. That's simply because I've ripped them off the nets somewhere.

I would really appreciate any submissions you can make.

The Books


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

More Programming Pearls - Confessions of a Coder
by Jon Bentley
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-11889-0

Programming Pearls
by Jon Bentley
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-10331-1

Practical Algorithms for C Programmers
by Andrew Binstock and John Rex
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-63208-X

Digital Compression of Still Images and Video
by Roger Clarke
Pub: Academic Press, Harcourt Brace & Company
ISBN: 0-12-175720-X

Introduction to Algorithms
by Thomas Cormen et al.
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-262-03141-8
MIT Press: 0-07-013143-0

The Art of Computer Programming (Volumes 1-5 of 7)
by Donald Knuth
Pub: Addison-Wesley

Data Structures and Algorithms 1: Sorting and Searching
by Kurt Mehlhorn
Pub: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: ??? Data Structures and Algorithms 2: Graph Algorithms and NP-Completeness
by Kurt Mehlhorn
Pub: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-13641-X Data Structures and Algorithms 3: Multidimensional Searching and Computational Geometry
by Kurt Mehlhorn
Pub: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-13642-8 The Data Compression Book
by Mark Nelson
Pub: M&T Books
ISBN: 1-55851-214-4, 1-55851-216-0 Algorithms (2nd Ed.)
by Robert Sedgewick Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-06673-4

Algorithms in C
by Robert Sedgewick
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-51425-7

Algorithms in C++
by Robert Sedgewick Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-51059

Algorithms in Modula-3
by Robert Sedgewick Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-53351-0

Artificial Intelligence

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

An Introduction to Neural Computing
by Igor Alexsander and Helen Morton
Pub: Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 0-412-37780-2

Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays (Vol 1.)
by Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, Richard K. Guy.
Pub: Academic Press?
ISBN: 0-12-031101-9

Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays (Vol 2.)
by Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John H. Conway, Richard K. Guy.
Pub: Academic Press?
ISBN: 0-12-091102-7

Neural Networks in C++: an Object-Oriented Framework for Building
by Adam Blum
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-53847-7

Neural Networks for Vision and Image Processing
by Gail Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg
Pub: MIT Press
ISBN: 0-262-53108-9

Developing Games That Learn
by Leonard Dorfman and Narendra Ghosh
Pub: Manning Press
ISBN: ???

Computers and Thought
Edited by Edward Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman
Pub: McGraw-Hill
LC#: 63-17596

Simulating Neural Networks
by Norbert Hoffmann
Pub: Vieweg Publishing
ISBN: 3-528-05376-3

Recursive Neural Networks for Associative Memory
by Yves Kamp and Martin Hasler
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-92866-6

Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Machine Intelligence
by Bart Kosko
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-611435-0

Robot Motion Planning
by Jean-Claude Latombe
Pub: ???
ISBN: 0-7923-9129-2

COBRA: The Computer-Designed Bidding System
by E. Lindelof
Pub: Victor Gallancz
ISBN: 0-575-02987-0

Practical Neural Network Recipes in C++
by Timothy Masters
Pub: Academic Press?
ISBN: 0-12-479040-2

Signal and Image Processing with Neural Networks: a C++ Sourcebook
by Timothy Masters
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-04963-8

Intelligent Behavior in Animals and Robots
by McFarland and Bosser
Pub: MIT Press
ISBN: 0-262-13293-1

Introduction to Robotics
by John Phillip McKerrow
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-18240-8

Parallel Algorithms: For Digital Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Neural Networks
by Ioannis Pitas
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-93566-2

Goal-Driven Learning
by Ashwin Ram and David Leake
Pub: MIT Press/Bradford Books
ISBN: 0-262-18165-7 (572 pp.)

C++: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
by Valluru Rao and Hayagriva Rao
Pub: Management Information Source
ISBN: 1-55828-298-X

Artificial Intelligence (2nd Ed.)
by Rich and Knight
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill?
ISBN: 0-07-052263-4

Do the Right Thing
by Stuart Russell and Eric Wefald
Pub: MIT Press ISBN: 0-262-18144-4

Artificial Intelligence Using C
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881255-0

Artificial Life
by Ellen Thro
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30301-9

Adventures in Artificial Life
by Clayton Walnum
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 1-56529-356-8

Neural Computing: Theory and Practice
by Philip Wasserman
Pub: Van Nostrand Reinhold
ISBN: 0-442-20743-3

Computer Systems that Learn by Weiss and Kulikowski
Pub: Morgan-Kaufmann
ISBN: ???

Assembly Language

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Zen of Assembly Language
by Michael Abrash
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 0-673-38602-3

Assembly Language Step-by-Step
by Jeff Duntemann
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-57814-2

Assembler -- Inside & Out
By Harley Hahn
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881842-7

PC Magazine Assembly Language Lab Notes
by Robert L. Hummel
Pub: ???
ISBN: 1-56276-059-9

Assembly Language for the IBM-PC (2nd Ed.)
by Kip R. Irvine
Pub: MacMillan
ISBN: 0-02-359651-1

Assembly Language Programming for the IBM PC Family
by William B. Jones
Pub: Scott/Jones
ISBN: 0-9624230-6-8

Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC & XT
by Robert Lafore
Pub: Plume/The Waite Group
ISBN: 0-452-25711-5

The Revolutionary Guide to Assembly Language
by Maljugin et al.
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-12-5

Microsoft's 80386/80486 Programming Guide (2nd Ed.)
by Microsoft Press
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-343-0

Assembly Language for the PC (3rd Ed.)
by Peter Norton and John Socha
Pub: ???
ISBN: 1-56686-016-4 1992 $39.95 US

Mastering Turbo Assembler
by Tom Swan
Pub: Hayden Books
ISBN: 0-672-48435-8

Assembly Language Master Class
by Various
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-34-6

Advanced Assembly Language
by Allen L. Wyatt, Sr.
Pub: QUE?
ISBN: 1-56529-037-2

Using Assembly Language (3rd Ed.)
by Allen L. Wyatt, Sr.
Pub: QUE
ISBN: ???


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Teach Yourself C in 21 Days
by Aitken and Jones
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30448-1

Advanced C - Tips and Techniques
by Anderson and Anderson
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-48417-X

Using C
by Atkinson and Atkinson
Pub: QUE
ISBN: ???

C Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management by Michael C. Daconta
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

C Memory Management Techniques
by Len Dorfmann and Marc Neuberger
Pub: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-4058-4

PC Techniques C/C++ Power Tools
by Jeff Duntemann and Keith Weiskamp
Pub: Bantam Books
ISBN: 0-553-37126-6

Problem Solving and Program Design in C (2nd Ed.)
by Jeri Hanly and Elliot Koffman
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-59063-8

C, a Reference Manual (3rd Ed.)
by Samuel P. Harbison; Guy L. Steele, Jr.
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-110933-2

Efficient C/C++ Programming
by Steve Heller
Pub: Academic Press ISBN: 0-12-339095-8

The Small-C Compiler (2nd Ed.)
by James E. Hendrix
Pub: M&T Books
ISBN: 0-934375-88-7, 0-934375-97-6.d

Advanced C
by Peter Hipson
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30168-7

Beginner's Guide to C
by Ivor Horton
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: I-874416-15-X

Instant C Programming
by Ivor Horton
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-24-9

Portable C Software
by Mark R. Horton
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-868050-7

Jamsa's 1001 C/C++ Tips
by Kris Jamsa
Pub: Jamsa Press
ISBN: 0-9635851-2-6

The C Programming Language (2nd Ed.)
by Kernighan and Ritchie
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-110362-8

Programming in ANSI C, Revised Edition
by Stephen G. Kochan
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: ???

C Traps and Pitfalls
by Andrew Koenig
Pub: Addison-Wesley?
ISBN: 0-201-17928-8

Turbo C, Programming for the PC
by Robert LaFore
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: ???

Portable C and Unix System Programming
by J.E. Lapin (pseudonym)
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-686494-5

Obfuscated C and Other Mysteries
by Don Libes
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-57805-3

Expert C Programming - Deep C Secrets
by Peter van der Linden
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-177429-8

Do it Yourself QuickC for Windows
by Jeb Long
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-27391-9

Writing Solid Code: Microsoft's Techniques for Developing Bug-Free C Programs
by Stephen Maguire
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-551-4

Joy of C
by Lawrence A. Miller, Alexander E. Quilici
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-51333-4

Your first C/C++ Program
By Alan Neibauer
Pub: Sybex
ISBN: 0-7821-1414-8

Advanced C Programming
by Steven Oualline
Pub: Brady Publishing
ISBN: 0-13-663170-3

C Elements of Style
by Steve Oualline
Pub: M&T Books
ISBN: 0-13-148222-X

Practical C Programming
by Steven Oualline
Pub: O'Reilly and Associates
ISBN: 0-937175-65-X

Absolute Beginner's Guide to C
by Greg Perry
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30341-8

C Programming in 12 Easy Lessons
by Greg Perry
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30522-4

C for Rookies (A Guide for the Programmer "Wanna-Be")
by Paul J. Perry
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 1-56529-280-4

The Standard C Library
by P. J. Plauger
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-131509-9

Standard C: Programmer's Quick Reference
by P. J. Plauger
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-158-6

The Best C/C++ Tips Ever
by Anthony Porter
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881820-6

PC Magazine: Guide to C Programming (2nd Ed.)
by Jack Purdom
Pub: Ziff-Davis Press
ISBN: 1-56276-069-6

Encyclopedia C
by Robert Radcliffe
Pub: Sybex?
ISBN: 0-89588-655-3

The Art and Science of C: A Library-Based Introduction to Computer Science
by Eric Roberts
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-54322-2

Advanced C
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881348-4

Annotated ANSI C Standard
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881952-0

ANSI C Made Easy
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881500-2

ANSI C Made Easy (Spanish)
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne
ISBN: 84-76156030

The Art of C
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881-691-2.d

Born to Code in C
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881468-5

C: The Complete Reference
by Herbert Schildt.
Pub: (Osborne Press???)
ISBN: 0-07-881538-X

C: The Pocket Reference
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881321-2

C: The Pocket Reference (Spanish)
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 84-76152175

C: Power User's Guide
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881307-7

C: Power User's Guide (Spanish)
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 84-76153813

The Craft of C: Take-Charge Programming -- The Cruft of C: Charged With Poor Programming
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: ??? (Osborne McGraw-Hill?)
ISBN: 0-07-881882-6

Teach Yourself C
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881596-7

Turbo C/C++ The Complete Reference (2nd Ed.)
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne Press
ISBN: 0-07-881776-5

C for Fun and Profit
by Steve Schustack
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30365-5

Problem Solving in C
by Angela B. Shiflet
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

C Style: Standards & Guidelines
by David Straker
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-116898-3

Data Structures in C
by Aaron Tenenbaum, Yedidyah Langsam, Moshe J. Augenstein
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-199746-7

The C Answer Book: Solutions to the Exercises in: The Programming Language (2nd Ed.)
by Clovis Tondo and Scott Gimpel
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-109653-2

Mastering C Pointers
by Robert J. Traister
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-697408-X

Mastering C Pointers: Tools for Programming Power (2nd Ed.)
by Robert Traister
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-697409-8

C programming for UNIX
by John Valley
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-48548-4

Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets
by Peter Van Der Linden
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-177429-8

Data Structures and C Programs
by Christopher J. Van Wyk
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-16116-8

The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus (2nd Ed.)
by ??? (The Waite Group?)
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 0-672-30319-1

The Waite Group's Essential Guide to ANSI C
by ??? (The Waite Group?)
Pub: Howard W. Sams (Huh? Isn't The Waite Group the publisher?)
ISBN: 0-672-22673-1

Programming in C
by Waite, Prata and Martin
Pub: ???
ISBN: 91-86200-13-5

The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus
by ??? (The Waite Group?)
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 0-672-22687-1

C: Step by Step
by Waite and Prata
Pub: SAMS Publishing?
ISBN: 0-672-22651-0

C Programming Proverbs and Quick Reference
by Ron Wodaski
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: ???


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Using Borland C++
by Atkinson and Atkinson
Pub: QUE
ISBN: ???

The Revolutionary Guide to Win 32 Programming with Visual C++ 2.1
by Mike Blaszczak
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-47-8

C++ for Dummies
by ???
Pub: IDG Books
ISBN: 1-56884-163-9

Hands-On Turbo C++
by Stephen R. Davis
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-57052-1

PC Techniques C/C++ Power Tools
by Jeff Duntemann and Keith Weiskamp
Pub: Bantam Books
ISBN: 0-553-37126-6

The Annotated C++ Reference Manual
by Margaret Ellis, Bjarne Stroustrup
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-51459-1

The Revolutionary Guide to Visual C++
by Ben Ezzell
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-22-2

Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Programming in C++
by Gorlen, Orlow, Plexico
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-92346-X

C++ - A Guide for C Programmers
by Sharam Hekmatpour
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-109471-8

Efficient C/C++ Programming
by Steve Heller
Pub: Academic Press ISBN: 0-12-339095-8

Borland C++ Windows Programming (3rd Ed.)
by Steven Holzner
Pub: Brady Publishing
ISBN: 1-566-86-119-5

Beginner's Guide to Visual C++ (January)
by Ivor Horton
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-59-1

Jamsa's 1001 C/C++ Tips
by Kris Jamsa
Pub: Jamsa Press
ISBN: 0-9635851-2-6

C++ Primer
by Stanley Lippman
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-16487-6

Effective C++
by Scott Meyers
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-56364-9

More Effective C++
by Scott Meyers
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-63371-X

More C++ for Dummies
by ???
Pub: IDG Books?
ISBN: ???

Your first C/C++ Program
By Alan Neibauer
Pub: Sybex
ISBN: 0-7821-1414-8

Assembly Language for the PC (3rd Ed.)
by Peter Norton and John Socha
Pub: ???
ISBN: 1-56686-016-4 1992 $39.95 US

The Revolutionary Guide to OOP Using C++
by Olshevsky & Ponomarev
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-18-4

Practical C++ Programming
by Steve Oualline
Pub: O'Reilly
ISBN: 1-56592-139-9

Turbo C++ By Example
by Greg Perry, Marcus Johnson
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 0-88022-812-1

Turbo C++ Programming in 12 Easy Steps
by Greg Perry
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30523-2

The Best C/C++ Tips Ever
by Anthony Porter
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881820-6

Using Borland C++ 4.5 (Special Ed.)
by Potts and Walnum
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 0-7897-0072-7

C++: The Complete Reference
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881654-8

Turbo C/C++ The Complete Reference (2nd Ed.)
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne Press
ISBN: 0-07-881776-5

Using Turbo C++
by Herbert Schildt
Pub: Osborne McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881610-6

The Revolutionary Guide to Turbo C++
by Valery Skylarov
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-10-9

Extending Turbo C Professional
by Al Stevens
Pub: ??? (MIS Press?)
ISBN: ???

Turbo C Memory Resident Utilities, Screen I/O and Programming Techniques
by Al Stevens
Pub: MIS Press
ISBN: 0-943518-35-0

The C++ Programming Language (2nd Ed.)
by Bjarne Stroustrup
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-53992-6

Learning C++
by Tom Swan
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-22785-1

Mastering Borland C++
by Tom Swan
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30274-8

An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++
by Richard Wiener, Lewis Pinson
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-15413-7

Instant C++ Programming
by Ian Wilks
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-29-X

Beginner's Guide to C++
by Oleg Yaroshenko
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-26-5


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

The C Users' Group Library, August 1994
Pub: Walnut Creek CDROM
ISBN: 1-57176-060-1

Games for Daze
Pub: Infomagic
ISBN: ???

The Hobbes OS/2 CD

Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

Simtel Archive (2 CD set)
Pub: Walnut Creek CDROM
ISBN: ???


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications
by Joe Campbell
Pub: Howard W. Sams & Co
ISBN: 0-672-22584-0

Serial Communications in C and C++
by Mark Goodwin
Pub: MIS Press
ISBN: ???

C++ Communications Utilities
by Michael Holmes, Bob Flanders
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

Compilers/Language Implementations

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools
by Aho, Sethi, and Ullman
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-10088-6

Introduction to Compiling Techniques -- A First Course Using ANSI C, Lex and Yacc
by J. P. Bennett
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-707215-4

Programming Languages An Interpreter-Based Approach
by Samuel N. Kamin
Pub: ??? (Addison-Wesley?)
ISBN: 0-201-06824-9

Crafting a Compiler
by Fischer, LeBlanc
Pub: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
ISBN: 0-8053-3201-4 Compiler Design in C
by Allen Holub
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-155045-4

The Art of Computer Programming (Volumes 6&7 of 7)
by Donald Knuth
Pub: Addison-Wesley

Lexx & Yacc (2nd Ed.)
by John R. Levine, Tony Mason, Doug Brown
Pub: O'Reilly and Associates
ISBN: 1-56592-000-7 Introduction to Compiler Construction with UNIX
by Axel T. Schreiner; H. George Friedman, Jr.
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: ??? The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing
by J. P. Tremblay, P. G. Sorensen
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: ???

Compiler Construction
by W. M. Waite, G. Goos
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

High-Level Languages and Their Compilers
by Des Watson
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: ???


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Neuronale Netze: Die n,chste Computer-Revolution
by Soren Brunak and Benny Lautrup
Pub: Carl Hanser Verlag
ISBN: 3-446-17440-0

Neuronale Netze: Grundlagen und Mathematische Modellierung
by Adolf Grauel
Pub: BI Wissenschaftsverlag
ISBN: 3-411-16011-X

Kuenstliche Neuronale Netze: Grundprinzipien, Hintergruende, Anwendungen
by Patrick Hamilton
Pub: vde-verlag GmbH
ISBN: 3-8007-1824-3

Kleines Handbuch Neuronale Netze: Anwendungsorientiertes Wissen zum Lernen und Nachschlagen
by Norbert Hoffmann
Pub: Vieweg Publishing
ISBN: 3-528-05239-2

Neuronale Netze: Grundlagen, Anwendungen, Beispiele Munich, Germany
by Wener Kinnebrock
Pub: R. Oldenburg Verlag GmbH
ISBN: 3-486-22103-5

Neuronale Netze: Grundlagen und Anwendungen (2nd Ed.)
by Klaus Peter Kratzer
Pub: Carl Hanser Verlag
ISBN: 3-446-17315-3

Neuronale Netze: Computersimulation Biologischer Intelligenz
by Jeannette Lawrence
Pub: Systhema Verlag GmbH
ISBN: 3-89390-271-6

Wenn Computer Denken Lernen: Neuronale Netzwerke
by Norbert Lossau
Pub: Verlag Ullstein GmbH
ISBN: 3-550-06802-6

Praktische Einfuehrung in Neuronale Netze
by Alessandro Mazetti
Pub: Verlag Heinz Heise GmbH
ISBN: 3-88229-011-0

Neuronale Netze: Eine Einfuehrung in die Neuroinformatik Selbstorganisierender Netze (2nd Ed.)
by Helge Ritter, Thomas Martinetz and Klaus Schulten
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 3-89319-131-3

Theorie der Neuronalen Netze: Eine Systematische Einfuehrung
by Rastlgl Rojas-Gonzalez
Pub: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 3-540-56353-9

Industrieelle Anwendung Neuronaler Netze
by Eberhard Schoeneburg
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 3-89319-492-4

Neuronale Netze
by Ernst-Dieter Schmitter
Pub: Ing. W. Hofacker GmbH
ISBN: 3-88963-312-9

Algorithmen in C
by Robert Sedgewick
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 3-89319-669-2

Simulation Neuronaler Netze
by Andreas Zell
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 3-89319-554-8

Digital Sources

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

209k zipped as The i386 Manual. /.4.1/vol4/ms-dos/program/asm/

80xxx Assembly Language only

A freeware assembler.

The Coronado Shareware Tutors

An excellent text on fuzzy logic. There may be newer versions. pub/msdos/programming/faq/fuzzy.119

MIX PowerC. Compatible with Borland compilers/assemblers. It doesn't come with an assembler or linker.

PC Game Programmers' Encyclopedia. A collection of text files on various aspects of programming games.

Ralph Brown's Interrupt List

C only, compiled by Bob Stout

A freeware linker.

Varmint's Audio Tool /users/smeagol/

Word Up Graphics Library /pub/msdos/programming/wgt

ZiffNet threads on shareware development


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

The Electronic OS/2 Development Magazine

IBM Support Newsletter

Game Developer Magazine
Get it from
Game Hack Magazine
Get it from
OS/2 Montly source code and texts

OS/2 C/Set Newsletter (IBM CSet++ specific)


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Maî trise de Turbo C
par Gerard Leblanc
È diteur: Eyrolles Editions
ISBN: ???

FTP Sites

[Top | Contact Info | Back]
/pub/textures/tif is a texture archive
Various things including a mirror of Hobbes
/pub/images is IMAGES archive
Microsoft's FTP Site
Check out /pub/x86 for hardcore i86 programming
Game Developer's FTP Site

Game Development/Programming

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Netwarrior in C++:Programming 3-D Multiplayer Games For Windows
by Mark Andrews
Pub: Wiley
ISBN: 0-471-11337-9

The Computer Simulation of Behavior
by Micheal J. Apter.
Pub: ???
ISBN: ??? (1970.)

Programming Windows Games with Borland C++
by Nabajyoti Barkakati
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30292-6

The Art of Computer Game Design
by Chris Crawford

Balance of Power - International Politics as the Ultimate Global Game
by Chris Crawford
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 0-914845-97-7 The Complete Wargame Handbook - How to Play, Design, and Find Them
by James Dunnigan
Pub: Quill
ISBN: 0-688-10368-5 How to Make War - A comprehensive Guide to Modern Warfare for the Post-Cold War Era (3rd Ed.)
by James F. Dunnigan.
Pub: Quill
ISBN: 0-688-12157-8 Numbers, Predictions, and War
by T. N. Dupuy
Pub: Hero Books
ISBN: 0-915979-06-3

A Handbook of Game Design
by Henry Ellington, Eric Addinall, Fred Percival
Pub: Nichols Publishing Co.
ISBN: 0-89397-134-0

The Theory of Gambling and Statistical Logic
by Richard A. Epstein
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: ???

Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience
Edited by Ben R. Finney and Eric M. Jones Pub: University of California Press
ISBN: 0-520-05878-4

Netwarriors In C: Programming 3-D Multiplayer Games in C
by Joe Gradecki
Pub: Wiley
ISBN: 0-471-11064-7

Action Arcade Adventure Set
by Diana Gruber
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-06-3

Sex, Lies, and Video Games - How to write a Macintosh Arcade Game
by Bill Hensler Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-40757-4

Building a 3D Game Engine in C++
by Brian Hook
Pub: John Wiley and Sons
ISBN: 0-471-12326-9

Programming Games for Beginners: Visual Basic for Fun and Profit
by Chris Howard Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30313-2

Inside Electronic Game Design
by Arnie Katz and Laurie Yates
Pub: Prima Publishing
ISBN: 1-55958-669-9

Teach Yourself Game Programming In 21 Days
by Andre LaMothe
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-671-30562-3

Black Art of 3D Game Programming
by Andre LaMothe
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 1-57169-004-2

Game Programming Starter Kit
by Andre Lamothe and SAMS Publishing
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: ???

Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus
by LaMothe, Ratcliff, Seminator & Tyler
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30507-0

Flights of Fantasy
by Christopher Lampton
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 4-878739-18-2

Gardens of Imagination
by Christopher Lampton
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 1-878739-59-X

How To Create Adventure Games
by Christopher Lampton
Pub: Franklin Watts
ISBN: ???

How to Create Computer Games
by Christopher Lampton
Pub: Franklin Watts
ISBN: ???

Computer Games I
by David Levy
Pub: ??? (Simon & Schuster?)
ISBN: ??? (1988.)

Computer Games II
by David Levy
Pub: ??? (Simon & Schuster?)
ISBN: ??? (1988.) Computer Gamesmanship, Elements of Intelligent Game Design
by David Levy
Pub: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 0-67149-532-1 The Black Art of Windows Game Programming
by Eric Lyons
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 1-878739-95-6

Programming Computer Games In C
by Robert Marmelstein
Pub: M&T Books
ISBN: 1-55851-380-9

More Tricks Of The Game Programming Gurus
by ???
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30697-2

Amazing 3D Adventure Set
by Lary Myers
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-15-2

Build Your Own PC Game in Seven Easy Steps, Using Visual Basic
by Scott Palmer Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-48911-2

Game Plan: The Game Inventor's Handbook
by Stephen Peek
Pub: Betterway Publications
ISBN: 1-55870-315-2 The Art of Wargaming
by Peter Perla
Pub: Naval Institute Press
ISBN: 0-87021-050-5

Pentagon Games
by John Prados
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

PC Game Programming Explorer
by Dave Roberts
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-07-1

Playing God
by Bernie Roehl
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

New Rules for Classic Games
by R. Wayne Schmittberger
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-53621-0

Game Design: Volume One: Theory and Practice
by Schuessler, Nick and Steve Jackson
Pub: Steve Jackson Games.
ISBN: (no ISBN -- Printed before 1981.)

Games Programming
by Eric Solomon
Pub: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-27110-X Wargame Design
by Strategy & Tactics Magazine
Pub: SPI
ISBN: 0-917852-01-X

Write your own Adventure Programs for your Microcomputer
by Jenny Tyler and Les Howarth
Pub: Usborne Computer books
ISBN: 0-96020-741-2

Creating Turbo C++ Games
by Clayton Walnum
Pub: QUE
ISBN: ???

Dungeons of Discovery:Writing Dazzling Windows Games with WinG
by Clayton Walnum
Pub: Macmillan
ISBN: ???

Managing Software Maniacs
by Ken Whitaker
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

How to Sell Your Game Design
by Lou Zocchi
Pub: Gamescience (GS 10404)
ISBN: ??? (See Visual Basic for various game related books for VB)

General Programming

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

The Tao of Programming
Geoffrey James
Pub: Info Books
ISBN: 0-931137-07-1-795

The Zen of Programming
Geoffrey James
Pub: Info Books
ISBN: 0-931137-09-8

Computer Parables
Geoffrey James
Pub: Info Books
ISBN: 0-931137-13-6

Writing Solid Code
Steve Maguire
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-551-4

Code Complete
by Steve McConnell
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-484-4

Graphics Related

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Zen of Graphics Programming
by Michael Abrash
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-08-X

High-Performance Graphics in C: Animation & Simulation
By Lee Adams
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-9349-1

PC Graphics Unleashed
by Scott Anderson
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30570-4

Graphics Gems II
by James Arvo
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-64480-0

Fractal Image Compression
by Michael F. Barnsley and Lyman P. Hurd
Pub: AK Peters
ISBN: 1-56881-000-8

An Introduction to Splines for Use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
by Richard H. Bartels, John C. Beatty, Brian A. Barsky
Pub: ???
ISBN: 0-934613-27-3

A Programmer's Geometry,
by Adrian Bowyer, John Woodwark
Pub: Butterworths
ISBN: 0-408-01242-0

Real-Time Animation Toolkit in C++
by Rex E. Bradford
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-12147-9

Digital Image Processing
by Kenneth R. Castleman
Pub: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-211467-4

Transform Coding of Images
by Roger Clarke
Pub: Academic Press, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
ISBN: 0-12-175730-7

Radiosity and Realistic Image Sythesis
by Michael F. Cohen, John R. Wallace
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-178270-0

The Revolutionary Guide to Bitmapped Graphics
by Control-Zed
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-31-1

Texturing and Modeling - A Procedural Approach
by David S. Ebert (ed.), F. Kenton Musgrave, Darwyn Peachey, Ken Perlin, Setven Worley
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-228760-6, 0-12-2278761-4 (IBM disk)

Curves and Surfaces for Computer Aided Geometric Design: A Practical Guide (3rd Ed.
by Gerald E. Farin
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-249052-5

Learn 3D Graphics Programming on the PC
by Richard F. Ferraro Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-48332-7

Programmer's Guide to the EGA, VGA, and Super VGA Cards (3rd Ed.)
by Richard F. Ferraro
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-62490-7

Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice (2nd Ed.)
by Foley, Van Dam, Feiner & Hughes
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-12110-7 / 0-201-84840-6

Graphics Gems
by Andrew Glassner
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-286165-5

An Introduction to Ray Tracing
by Andrew Glassner
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-286160-4

Digital Image Processing (3rd Ed.)
by Rafael Gonzalez and Richard Woods
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-50803-6

Introduction to computer graphics
by Hearn & Baker
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

Graphics Gems IV
by Paul S. Heckbert
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-336155-9 (with IBM disk) or 0-12-336156-7 (with Mac disk)

Advanced Graphics Programming Using C/C++
by Loren Heiny
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-57159-8

Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing
by Anil Jain
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-336165-9

Graphics Programming and Animation - Ultra Fast Assembly Routines for EGA/VGA Graphics Animation
by Peter Jungck
Pub: R&D Technical Books
ISBN: ???

Graphics File Formats
by David C. Kay, John R. Levine
Pub: Tab/Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-3059-7.p, 0-8306-/3060-0.h

Graphics Gems III
by David Kirk
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-409670-0 (with IBM disk) or 0-12-409671-9 (with Mac disk)

Practical Image Processing in C
by Craig A. Lindley
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-54377-2

Applied Graphics Algorithms for C++ Programmers
by Marv Luse Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-40845

Bitmapped Graphics Programming in C++
by Marv Luse
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-63209-8

Introduction to Solid Modeling
by Martti Mantyla
Pub: Computer Science Press
ISBN: 07167-8015-1

Computer Processing of Remotely-Sensed Images: An Introduction
by Paul Mather
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-92653-1

Geometric Modeling
by Michael E. Mortenson
Pub: Wiley
ISBN: 0-471-88279-8

C Programmer's Guide to Graphics
by James W. McCord
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-22784-3

Encyclopedia of Graphic File Formats
by James D. Murray and William VanRyper
Pub: O'Reilly and Associates
ISBN: 1-56592-058-9

Tricks of the Graphics Gurus
by Dick Oliver, Scott Anderson, James McCord, Spyro Gumas and Bob Zigon
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30308-6

Computational Geometry in C
by Joseph O'Rourke
Pub: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-44592-2 Pbk, 0-521-44034-3 Hdbk

Graphic Gems V
by Alan W. Paeth
Pub: Academic Press
ISBN: 0-12-543455-3 (with IBM disk)

Practical Computer Vision Using C
by James Parker
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-59262-5

Image Processing in C
by Dwayne Phillips
Pub: R&D Publications
ISBN: 0-13-104548-2

Digital Image Processing Algorithms
by Ioannis Pitas
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-145814-0

Digital Image Processing (2nd Ed.
by William K. Pratt
Pub: Wiley-Interscience
ISBN: 0-471-85766-1

Computational Geometry: An Introduction
by Franco P. Preparata, Michael Ian Shamos
Pub: Springer-Verlag
ISBN: 0-387-96131-3

The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants
by Przemyslaw W. Prusinkiewicz, Aristid Lindenmayer, Springer-Verlag
Pub: ???
ISBN: 0-387-97297-8, 3-540-97297-8

Bitmapped Graphics
by Steve Rimmer
Pub: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-3558-0

Supercharged Bit-Mapped Graphics
by Steve Rimmer
Pub: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-3788-5

Super VGA Graphics Programming Secrets
by Steve Rimmer
Pub: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-4428-8

Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics 2nd Ed.
by David F. Rogers and J. Alan Adams
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-053530-2

Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics
by David F. Rogers
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-053534-5

The Image Processing Handbook
by John C. Russ
Pub: CRC Press
ISBN: 0-8493-4233-3

The Image Processing Handbook (2nd Ed.)
by John Russ
Pub: CRC Press
ISBN: 0-8493-2516-1

Applications of Spatial Data Structures: Computer Graphics, Image Processing, and GIS
by Hanan Samet
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-50300-0

The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures
by Hanan Samet
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-50255-0

The Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3-D Graphics
by William J. Schroeder, Kenneth Martin and Bill Lorensen
Pub: Prentice-Hall
ISBN: 0-13-199837-4

Image Processing: Theory, Algorithms, and Architectures
by Maher Sig-Ahmed
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-057240-2

Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision
by Milian Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac and Roger Boyle
Pub: Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 0-412-45570-6

Advanced Graphics Programming in C and C++
by Roger Stevens and Christopher Watkins
Pub: M&T Books
ISBN: 0-13-010463-9

3D Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition
by Alan Watt
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-63186-5

Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques
by Alan Watt and Mark Watt
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-54412-1

Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems
by Richard Wilton
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-103-9

Digital Image Warping
by George Wolberg Pub: IEEE Computer Society Press Monograph
ISBN: 0-8186-8944-7


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Game Development

Battleplan (British)
CGDA Newsletter
Fire and Movement, The Forum of Simulaton Warfare

Game Developer
The General
The Journal of Interactive Entertainment Moves
Strategy & Tactics Magazine
The Wargamer (British)

General Programming

AI Expert
The C/C++ User's Journal
C++ Report
CD-ROM Developer
Dr. Dobb's Journal
Embedded Systems Programming
PC Techniques
Personal Engineering & Instrumentation News
Software Development
Visual Basic Programmers Journal


Computer Artist
Computer Graphics World


Morphs Outpost on the Digital Frontier
Multimedia World
New Media

Miscellaneous, Computer Related

Computer Gaming World
Computer Strategy+
PC Gamer
PC World

Marketing, Publishing and Legalities

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Building a Successful Software Business
by ???
Pub: O'Reilly and Associates
ISBN: ???

Software People
by Doug Carlston
Pub: Simon & Schuster
ISBN: 0-671-50971-3

Zap! - The Rise and Fall of Atari
by Scott Cohen
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: ???

Software Development: A Legal Guide
by Stephen Fishman
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

Phoenix - The Fall and Rise of Home Videogames
by Leonard Herman
Pub: Rolenta Press
ISBN: ???

Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot
by Allen I. Holub
Pub: McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-029689-8

Making Money Selling Your Shareware
by Steven C. Hudgik
Pub: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-030865-9

The Macintosh Way
by Guy Kawaski
Pub: Scott Foresman
ISBN: 0-673-4615-0

Legal Care for Your Software (4th Ed.)
by Daniel Remer, Robert Dunaway
Pub: RDS Publishing Company
ISBN: 87337-037-6

How To Sell Your Software
by Bob Schenot
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-06399-1


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Handbook of Mathematical Functions
by Abrmowitz, Milton and Irene Stegun
Pub: Dover Publications
ISBN: 0-486-61272-4

Inside OLE (2nd Ed.)
by Kraig Brockschmidt
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-843-2

Journey of the Software Professional: A Sociology of Computer Programming
by Luke Hohmann
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-236613-4

Internet Programming
by Kris Jamsa, Ken Cope
Pub: Jamsa Press
ISBN: 1-884133-12-6 (1995.)

Software Tools
by Brian Kernighan
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: ???

Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing
by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, Vetterling
Pub: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-30811-9

Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, C (2nd Ed.)
by William Press et al.
Pub: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-43108-5

Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific Computing, C Example Book (2nd Ed.)
by William Press et al.
Pub: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0-521-43720-2

Numerical Recipes in C
by Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, Vetterling
Pub: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: ???

Programming for the Internet with Winsock
by Dave Roberts
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-42-X

How to Copyright Software
by M. J. Salone
Pub: NOLO Press
ISBN: ???

Standard Mathematical Tables
by Samual M. Selby
Pub: The Chemical Rubber Company
ISBN: ???

Object Lifecycles: Modeling the World in States
by Sally Shlaer, Stephen Mellor
Pub: Yourdon Press
ISBN: 0-13-629940-7

Webster's New World Dictionary of Computer Terms (5th Ed.)
by Donald Spencer
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-671-89993-7

C Database Development (2nd Ed.)
by Al Stevens
Pub: MIS Press
ISBN: 1-5528-135-5

Mastering Make
by Clovis L. Tondo, Andrew Nathanson, Eden Yount
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-554619-2

A Fragment of Your Imagination
by Joe Zobkiw
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-48358-0


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Visual C++ Multimedia Adventure Set
by Peter Aiken and Scott Jarol
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-19-5.

Multimedia Demystified a guide to the world of Multimedia
by Apple Computer and New Media Magazine Pub: Random House
ISBN: 0-679-75603-5

Visual Basic Multimedia Adventure Set
by Scott Jarol Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-01

Entertainment in the Cyber Zone - Exploring the Interactive Universe of Multimedia
by Chris McGowan and Jim McCullaugh Pub: Random House
ISBN: 0-679-75804-6

CD-ROM Buyer's Guide & Handbook
by Paul T. Nicholls, Ph. D.
Pub: Pemberton Press
ISBN: ???

Multimedia Programming for Windows
by Steve Rimmer
Pub: Windcrest/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-8306-4538-1


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Windows NT Network Programming
by Ralph Davis
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-62278-5

Network Programming in C
by Barry Nance
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 0-8802-569-6

Programmer's Guide to NetWare
by Charles G. Rose
Pub: Mcgraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-607029-8

Windows Sockets Network Programming
by Bob Quinn & Dave Shute
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-63372-8

C Programmer's Guide to NETBIOS
by W. David Schwaderer
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-22638

Object Oriented Programming

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Object Oriented Design with Applications
by Grady Booch
Pub: Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
ISBN: 0-8053-0091-0

Object-oriented Software Construction
by Bertrand Mayer
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-629049-3

Object-Oriented Software Development: Engineering Software for Reuse
by John McGregor, David Sykes
Pub: Van Nostrand Reinhold
ISBN: 0-442-00157-6

Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data
by Sally Shlaer, Stephen Mellor
Pub: Yourdon Press
ISBN: 0-13-629023-X

OS/BIOS/Low Level

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Zen of Code Optimization
by Michael Abrash
Pub: Coriolis
ISBN: 1-883577-03-9

Amiga Hardware Reference Manual
by ???
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-56776-8

Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual
by ???
Pub: Addison-Wesley

PC Interrupts
by Ralf Brown, Jim Kyle
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-57797-6

Ralf Brown's Interrupt List (book form)
by Ralf Brown
Pub: ???
ISBN: ???

Developing Your Own 32-Bit Operating System
by Richard A. Burgess
Pub: ??? (SAMS Publishing?)
ISBN: 0-672-30655-7

Programming the 80386
by John Crawford and Patrick Gelsinger
Pub: Sybex
ISBN: 0-89588-381-3

DOS Programmer's Reference (3rd Ed.)
Originally by Terry Dettman, but has been updated by others
Pub: QUE
ISBN: ???

DOS Programmer's Reference (4th Ed.)
by Terry Dettmann and Allen Wyatt
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 1-56529-150-6

Extending DOS
by Duncan, Petzold, Shulman, Baker, Nelson, Davis, Moote
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-56798-9

The Programmer's PC Sourcebook (2nd Ed.)
by Thom Hogan
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-321-X

Insider's Guide to Windows 95 Programming
by Honlette, Holderby, et. al.
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 1-56529-677-6

PC Programmer's Guide to Low-Level Functions and Interrupts
by Marcus Johnson
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30475-9

Microsoft Programming for the PC (2nd Ed.)
by Robert Lafore, Sams
Pub: The Waite Group
ISBN: 0-672-22738-X

Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
by ??? (Microsoft Press?)
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-329-5

Microsoft's 80386/80486 Programming Guide (2nd Ed.)
by Microsoft Press
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-343-0

The NEW Peter Norton Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC & PS/2
by Peter Norton, Richard Wilton
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-131-4

Programming Windows 3.1 (3rd Ed.)
by Charles Petzold
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-395-3

Undocumented DOS (2nd Ed.)
by Andrew Schulman
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-570649-5

PC Intern
by Michael Tisher
Pub: Data Becker?
ISBN: 1-55755-145-6

System Programming in Microsoft C
by Michael J. Young
Pub: Sybex
ISBN: ???

Other Languages

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Revolutionary Guide to COBOL with compiler
by Handel & Begtyar
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-17-6

Revolutionary Guide to Powerbuilder
by Prasad Bodepudi
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-60-5

Delphi: Unleashed
by Chares Calvert
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30499-6

Instant SQL Programming
by Joe Celko
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-50-8

Revolutionary Guide to QBasic
by Dyakonov et al.
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-20-6

Master Visual C++ 2 (2nd Ed.)
by Feldman, et. al.
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 1-56529-763-X

Beginner's Guide to Delphi
by Dave Jewell
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-74-5

Inside Visual C++ (2nd Ed.) v. 1.5
by Kouglinsk
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-661-8

POSIX Programmer's Guide
by Donald Lewine
Pub: O'Reilly and Associates
ISBN: 0-937175-73-0

Revolutionary Guide to Delphi
by Brian Long et al.
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-67-2

Using Delphi (Special Ed.)
by Matcho and Faulkner
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 1-56520-823-3


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

The Revolutionary Guide to Turbo Pascal
by Borodich et al.
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-11-7

Assembly Language for Pascal Programmers
by Steve Holzner
Pub: Prentice Hall?
ISBN: 0-13-652975-5

Using Turbo Pascal 6
by Michael Yester
Pub: QUE
ISBN: 0-88022-700-1

Parallel Programming

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

High Performance Computer; Problem Solving with Parallel and Vector Architechtures
Edited by Gary W. Sabot Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-59830-2 (1995)


[Top | Contact Info | Back]

NOTE:  In the future, I want to flesh this out with more than just Internet
       contact information.

       IBS stands for The Internet Bookshop

Academic Press

Addison-Wesley (

Benjamin/Cummings Publishing

Cambridge University Press

Street: 7339 E. Acoma Drive, Suite 7

         Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Phone: (602) 483-0192
Fax: (602) 483-0193


Microsoft Press

MIT Press
Phone: +1(800) 356-0343
Fax: +1(617) 625-6660
Mail: The MIT Press, 55 Hayward Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1399

O'Reilly and Associates

Osborne Mcgraw-Hill
- See Mcgraw-Hill.

Prentice Hall

SAMS Publishing

Simon & Schuster

Steve Jackson Games


Waite Group

Walnut Creek CDROM

Wrox Press
Sales & Marketing

Editorial Ziff-Davis Press

Software Engineering and Design

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Amiga User Interface Style Guide
by ???
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-57757-7

Software Testing Techniques (2nd Ed.)
by Boris Beizer
Pub: ???
ISBN: ??? (1990.)

The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering
by Fred Brooks
Pub: Addison-Wesley
ISBN: 0-201-00650-2

Graphical User Interfaces in C++ and Object-Oriented Programming
by Mark Goodwin
Pub: Management Information Source
ISBN: 1-55828-053-7

User Interfaces in C and C++
by Mark Goodwin
Pub: ??? (Management Information Source?)
ISBN: 1-55828-224-6

The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling
by Raj Jain
Pub: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0-471-50336-3

Debugging the Development Process
by Steve Maguire
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-650-2

Dynamics of Software Development
by Jim McCarthy
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-823-8

The Art of Software Testing
by Glenford J. Myers
Pub: ???
ISBN: ??? (1979.)

Digital Design
by Nicholas Pappas
Pub: West Publishing Company
ISBN: 0-314-01230-3

Understanding Object-Oriented Software Engineering
by Stefan Sigfried
Pub: IEEE Press
ISBN: 0-7803-1095-0
IEEE Press order No.: PP4507

Digital Systems: Principles and Applications (5th Ed.)
by Ronald Tocci
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-213240-0

Digital System Design (2nd Ed.)
by Barry Wilkinson and Rafic Makki
Pub: Prentice Hall
ISBN: 0-13-220286-7

Sound Related

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Sound Blaster - The Official Book
Richard Heimlich, David M. Golden, Ivan Luk, Peter M. Ridge
Pub: Osborne/McGraw-Hill
ISBN: 0-07-881907-5

The Ultimate SoundBlaster Book
by Martin L. Moore
Pub: It says David P. Ewing, but it's a QUE book.
ISBN: 1-56529-298-7

The SoundBlaster Book
by Axel Stolz (Abacus)
Pub: Data Becker
ISBN: 1-55755-181-2

Visual Basic

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

The Visual Basic Guide To The Windows API
by Daniel Appleman
Pub: Ziff-Davis Press
ISBN: 1-56276-073-4

Instant Visual Basic 3
by Steve Dolan
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-48-6

Programming Games for Beginners: Visual Basic for Fun and Profit
by Chris Howard
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30313-2

Revolutionary Guide to Visual Basic Professional Edition (January)
by Larry Roof
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-37-0

Visual Basic Developer's Guide
by D.F. Scott
Pub: SAMS Publishing
ISBN: 0-672-30145-8

Beginner's Guide to Visual Basic
by Peter Wright
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-55-9

Beginner's Guide to Visual Basic 3
by Peter Wright
Pub: Wrox Press
ISBN: 1-874416-19-2

Visual Basic -- Game Programming for Windows
by Michael J. Young
Pub: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 1-55615-503-4

World Wide Web Pages

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Alphabetized by page name

by Sunir Shah (maintainer of this fine document)

2-D and 3-D tutorial
by ???
WWW: http://www.cs/ The 2Morrow World Builder
maintained by ???

3D Graphic Engines
maintained by ???

Artificial Intelligence
maintained by Steven Woodcock

The Algorithm, Inc. Home Page
maintained by The Algorithm, Inc.

by ???

CD ROM Paradise
maintained by ???

Maintained by ???

"The" Computer Graphics Page
maintained by ???

Computer Music Journal Homepage
maintained by ??? (Computer Music Journal?)

The Cool Edit Site
maintained by Staffan Berger

The Cool Edit site's list of sound related links
maintained by ??? (authors of The Cool Edit?)

Ed Brodsky's Page
maintained by Ed Brodsky

FMED FM Sound Editor for Game Programmers
maintained by ??? (authors of FMED?)

Game Programming
maintained by Emrie Kiciman

Games Programming Homepage
maintained by Phil Hart

Goldwave Digital Audio Editor
maintained by ??? (authors of Goldwave?)

Guide to Macintosh Programming
maintained by ???

Happy Puppy Software Game Developers Page
maintained by ??? (Happy Puppy Software?)

The International Programmers Guild
maintained by Rod Marquart

MAC (Game Programming) <-- This title is not definite!!!
maintained by ???
WWW: http://ww.mcp/com/hayden/mac_game-gurus/links.html

MIDILink Musician's Net
maintained by ???

The Nexus
maintained by ???

Nikol Software File and Info
maintained by ??? (Nikol?)

The NV1 multimedia card
maintained by ??? (NV1/Nvidia? Manufacturer anyway)

PC Demos Explained
maintained by ???

Programming in C
maintained by ???

SieFuzzy -- A CAE Tool for Fuzzy System Design (AI)
maintained by Siemens AG

Shareware Author Page
maintained by ???

The Simtel Graphics Archive
maintained by ??? (Simtel?)

Sound Archive
maintained by ???

Sound Card FAQs
maintained by ???

Sound Utilities from Hyperreal
maintained by ??? (Hyperreal?)

Source Code Archives
maintained by ???

Timur's Home Page
maintained by ??? (Timur?)

Varmint's Audio Tool
maintained by Eric and Dana Jorgenson

WASTE - Warfare by Artificial Strategic and Tactical Engines
maintained by Sunir Shah

Woodelf's RPG site
maintained by ???

Wrap Up

Special Notes of Credit and Thanks

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

In the interest of giving credit where credit is due, I took a lot of the game, graphics related books and magazines from GAMFAQ.TXT (v. 1.3), written by Ben Sawyer. Later on, Ben Sawyer contributed even more books. Thanks, Ben for going above and beyond the call of duty!

I've also been taken references from DESIGN.154, maintained by Travis Casey. It's the FAQ file for (Side Note: It appears Mr. Sawyer took some references from this FAQ as well, or vice versa. It's a small net after all. <G>!)

I've taken a lot of references out of J-Mag Guthrie's Resource List. As I understand it, J-Mag started reposting the list because I started posting this list in the International C Echo. So, thanks, J-Mag!

I've also taken (a pattern is emerging) books from Brian Hook's 3D Book List which can be found at Thanks, Brian! Astute readers will notice that Brian has written a book which is listed here . . .

Hanns-J Grosse contributed about 60 books to the list. I appreciate it! By the way, way back in June (this is November. Has it been that long? Oi..) he wanted me to plug his page. Well, here it is:

I'd also like to thank everyone who contributed to this file, whether they did it willingly or not. :) I scan the C_ECHO and the 80XXX echo for 'book' everyday. I get a few here and there.

Glen Miner really helped me out during the many months that I stopped updating this file. A round of applause for Glen!

I also thank Steve Furlong for referencing this list in the FAQ.

PLEASE CONTRIBUTE MORE!!! I practically update this file every day I have free time.

Contact Information

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

Fidonet: Sunir Shah@1:241/11
Internet: sunir@sunir.org0

I won't bother everyone with various ways people can contact my Internet e-mail address. I read a book once that had more than two pages of ways to interact with the Internet.

Legal Mumbo-Jumbo

[Top | Contact Info | Back]

I'm just listing books. I'm not promoting any particular book. Any side-information that I provide is just for interest's sake. If this file damages your system or yourself in anyway, I'm not liable, but expect me to laugh since it's just a hypertext file.

The most important thing: DON'T SUE ME!!

Remember, this document is public domain.